Hi! My name is Fernanda.
I am a PhD researcher at the Molecular Systems Evolution Group at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology. I am interested in evolutionary biology, and my current work aims to infer the rate of evolution of gene expression noise using single-cell transcriptomics data.
email: trancoso at evolbio dot mpg dot de
PhD (ongoing): Molecular Systems Evolution Group - IMPRS for Evolutionary Biology
Masters: Master in Molecular Biology and Evolution (MAMBE) CAU Kiel
Bachelors: Biological Sciences at UFMG

Moutinho, Ana Filipa, Fernanda Fontes Trancoso, and Julien Yann Dutheil. "The impact of protein architecture on adaptive evolution." Molecular biology and evolution 36.9 (2019): 2013-2028.

Photography work featured in publications:
Giannini, Tereza Cristina, et al. "Climate change in the Eastern Amazon: crop-pollinator and occurrence-restricted bees are potentially more affected." Regional Environmental Change 20.1 (2020): 9.
Borges, Rafael Cabral, et al. "A dataset of multi-functional ecological traits of Brazilian bees." Scientific Data 7.1 (2020): 120.

Some pictures I took:
Euglossa imperialis
esqueci o nome
Euglossa imperialis